Young or old, heart disease doesn’t discriminate. A major concern on the radar is atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) - the stealthy assailant that slowly blocks our arteries, endangering the very heart that keeps us alive.
The heart is more than a rhythmic organ; it's a reservoir of stories. Each pulse divulges secrets of our well-being. When plaque builds up, our heart quietly signals distress, often going unnoticed until grave symptoms emerge. The lifestyle culprits? Smoking, obesity, stress, sedentary behaviors, and genetics, among others.
"Our heart, while constantly ticking, is also persistently speaking. The key lies in listening early, interpreting its tales, and acting proactively," shares Dr. Andres Jimenez, an eminent figure in disease prevention.
Stepping in as a game-changer is the state-of-the-art Cleerly Heartscan. Clearly, harnessing the might of AI and imaging, offers unrivaled precision in detecting ASCVD, enabling real-time progression mapping. Its transformative approach extends beyond detection to creating AI-driven, personalized care pathways.