There are two ways two share your MyFitnessPal Diary, including your food logs. If you are a HealthPrevent 360 patient, your doctor will specifically want to see your Food Diary, including any notes you might have included. When viewing your Food Diary, towards the bottom you can select the "View Full Report (Printable)" button:

Select the correct date range, and ensure Show: "Food Diary" and "Food Notes" is selected:

Now select the Browser "Print" button, and for the printer, select Print as PDF. You can then use the Medical and Diagnostic report link your physician prevention expert provided to securely upload your Food Diary.
Below you will find more detailed instructions.
If you have a Premium subscription to MyFitnessPal, please click here for detailed instructions:
If you have a Free subscription to MyFitnessPal, please click here for detailed instructions: